Photo Gallery
Enviroweek - Smart Ways To Live
For Enviroweek 2014, our four Enviro groups created projects to make a difference to our school and our community. Enviroweek challenges young Australians to take positive everyday action for a sustainable Australia. On Nude Food Wednesday, students left the wrappers at home and made sustainable decisions about buying packaged food. They even developed a list of tips for their families about how to reduce waste and packaging in the future. The Biodiversity group planted veggie seeds for summer veggies and got the garden ready for spring planting. The Water group, promoted saving water around the school and made sure their Buckets under Bubble Taps project was working well. On Freezing Friday, we turned off the computers, heaters and lights and went back to the old days of schooling. By doing this we used half of the electricity we normally use on a Friday at school. That's an amazing cost and energy saving in just one day. Each student won a Smart Ways to Live T-Shirt for our efforts in promoting our projects. Visit to see our School profile, our projects and our positive impact. |
Book Week 2014
Postman Pat, Robin Hood, Doctor Dog, Voldemort and Harry Potter were just some of the characters that turned up to our Book Week Parade. |