Term 3 - Morning Assemblies
Need help? Contact our Remote Learning Coordinator at: [email protected]
ASSEMBLY@ 9am - Tuesday 25th August- Onsite students seem to have a balance of service provision at the moment. Looking to get intervention happening next week under online supervision.
- 15 minute 3-Way Learning Conversations (Parent/Teacher/Student) are available for families wishing to meet with their child's teachers from Mon 31st August - Fri 4th September. We understand not many families will feel the need for these interviews as they are already speaking with their child's teachers weekly in lockdown, but the option is there. https://forms.gle/cg2HEpY8DA2tgCDy9 |
ASSEMBLY@ 9am- Friday 21st August- Two weeks of Remote Learning down. Fantastic engagement across the school community, both onsite and online.
- Newsletter will come out around 5pm today. - As work situations, family situations and learning needs change over the coming weeks, please call Josh to see how the school can support your child's situation. We will be as flexible and agile as we can to support you. - Could students attending school part-time during lockdown bring any school computer they are using at home, into school with them to use on those days |
ASSEMBLY@ 9am- Thursday 20th August- Teachers will be ringing families throughout the week to see how everyone is getting on.
- Could students attending school part-time during lockdown bring any school computer they are using at home, into school with them to use on those days - Newsletters will be coming out around 5pm each Friday for the rest of term. |
ASSEMBLY@ 9am- Wednesday 19th August- Thanks to all the families taking part in online learning and letting us know its going well.
- Please remember that unless families have supplied a reason, students not attending to their daily school work are marked 'absent without reason' on the school roll. - Next week we will be adding a small daily reflection to the online work so that the students can share their feelings about home learning with staff. |
ASSEMBLY@ 9am- Tuesday 18th August- Thanks for the lovely emails families sent in to support the new online learning platform at home. People seemed to like the ease of Google Classrooms. Still a few bugs to iron out, but we're happy overall.
- Students working at school are asked to bring any school devices at home in with them each day. Carry them in your bag like a reader. |
ASSEMBLY@ 9am- Monday 17th August- Moving to 'Google Classrooms' from today.
( Video on how to use Google Classrooms can be found at this link . https://youtu.be/WHqw__rmWQ0 ) - Thanks to families for keeping us up to date with children being on and off site at school. |
ASSEMBLY@ 9am- Friday 14th August- Moving to 'Google Classrooms' for remote learning next week
- Video on how to use Google Classrooms can be found at this link (try to watch it before Monday if you can). https://youtu.be/WHqw__rmWQ0 - Please ensure all people on the school site are signing in at the front door if they are here for more than 15 mins. - Have a great weekend. |
ASSEMBLY@ 9am- Thursday 13th August- Thanks to our remote learners who have been jumping online each day.
- Next week we move to 'Google Classrooms' (an online platform) - I will be running a 'Google Classroom' webinar @ 6pm tonight (13/08/20) and we will record it so parents can watch it later if they are not available. - I will send out a link to families so they can access the webinar. |
ASSEMBLY@ 9am- Wednesday 12th August- Teachers are preparing Google Classrooms as the learning platform for
next week. - A Family Information Night to assist in understanding this technology will be running on Thursday evening, but will also be filmed for families to watch over the weekend if they are unable to attend. - Apologies for any technical bugs when video conferencing into classes, we feel like we're getting on top of it now. |
ASSEMBLY@ 9.00am- Monday 10th August - Students should check for video class links in their emails (schedule below)
- There will be an Info Night later this week (more info to come) on digital technology for remote learning. - Video lessons commence today. They are recorded and stored on this website for those that need to view lessons later in the day. |
ASSEMBLY@ 9.00am- Friday 5th June- No School Monday (Queen's Birthday Long Weekend)
- Mr Fitzgerald in LGA today (Ms Lowe - Report Writing) - Last day of Remote Learning (Yay!) - F-6 return to school in full on Tuesday 9th June Video Lessons Today: - Josh @ 9.00am - Reading (Books D-G) - Josh @ 9.50 - Writing (Books D-G) - Patrick @ 11.10pm - Maths (Books D-G) |
ASSEMBLY@ 9.00am- Wednesday 3rd June- Mrs McQueen in LGB & LGC (Mrs Plush & Mr Sinnott -Report Writing)
- Video Lessons today: all video links are sent to student emails - Josh @ 9.10am - Reading (Books D-G) - Kate @ 11.20am - Writing (Books D-G) - Josh @ 12.00pm - Maths (Books D-G) *** Sorry video not uploading today (encoding error) |
ASSEMBLY@ 9.10am- Wed 27th May 2020- children to use courtyard gate to enter school (front door locked)
- parents to stay in cars / no congregating in car park - visits to office by appointment only - bubble taps are out of action, please bring drink bottles - extra cleaning to take place daily including playgrounds and equipment - please return borrowed desks and computers - Video Lessons today: all video links are sent to student emails - Kate 9.50am - Reading (Books D-G) - Josh 11.10am- Writing (Books D-G) - Patrick 12.00pm - Maths (Books D-G) |
- children to use courtyard gate to enter school (front door locked) - no congregating in car park - parents to stay in cars - visits to office by appointment only - bubble taps are out of action, please bring drink bottles - extra cleaning to take place daily including playgrounds and equipment - please return borrowed desks and computers - Video Lessons today: all video links are sent to student emails - Patrick 9.10am - Maths (Books D-G) - Kate 9.50am- Reading (Books D-G) - Josh 11.10am- Writing (Books D-G) |
ASSEMBLY@ 9am - Friday 1st May 2020Assembly Items: - Happy St Joseph the Worker Day (Dress Up next Wednesday) - Learning packs will be ready this afternoon. - Going with a similar pick-up and drop off as last week |
ASSEMBLY@ 9am - Thursday 30th April 2020Assembly Items: - Videos working (We think!) - St Joseph the Worker Day next Wednesday 6th May (Dress Up) - Learning Packs for next week will be available by 3.30pm on Friday - Happy Birthday Jasmine Wombwell! Video not playing? TRY THIS LINK |
ASSEMBLY@ 9am - Wednesday 29th April 2020Assembly Items: - Videos still causing problems - May 11 review of 'vulnerable' students - Mr Evan Wrobel departs Western Trinity to return home to S.A. in June. - Learning Continuum on yesterday's newsletter - Today's RE lesson has a video on our website to help if you need it :) - Next Wednesday is St Joseph the Worker Day (Dress Up in Tradie Gear) Video not playing? TRY THIS LINK |
ASSEMBLY@ 9am - Tuesday 28th April 2020Assembly Items: - Thank you for your comments on the new learning packs!!! - Do what you can. Quality over quantity. - Teachers will be speaking with /giving feedback to students this week - Learning Continuum coming home with Newsletter today. - Hopefully, website videos work today! - Check your phone/Internet provider's website (Free data upgrades) Video not playing? TRY THIS LINK |
ASSEMBLY@ 9am - Monday 27th April 2020 Assembly Items:
- Thank you for helping with return and pick up of learning packs - New style of learning pack (Josh walks through it) - Teachers will be speaking with /giving feedback to students this week - Internet capabilities (Check NBN & Telstra) |
ASSEMBLY@ 9am - Friday 24th April 2020Assembly Items:
- Loving the videos and photos of home learning! - It's alright not to get everything finished!!!! - Parent feedback was great, we are making tweaks to learning material - Family phone calls continuing today - Staff starting to make instructional videos to help at home - Staff working late, work packs might be delivered later tonight/tomorrow |
ASSEMBLY@ 9am -Thursday 23rd April 2020
Assembly Items: - HAPPY BIRTHDAY JACK NOVIKOV! - Daily Learning Time: Juniors: 2-2.5 hours and Seniors 3-3.5 hours - It's alright not to get everything finished - Some days the timetable falls apart - that's ok! it happens all the time! - Did you try the R.E. learning video yesterday? Was it helpful? - Feedback has been great. Let us know if the program needs tweaking - Let us know the days your children need to be at school next week - Send all learning queries to [email protected] |
ASSEMBLY@ 9am -Wednesday 22nd April 2020
Assembly Items: - Daily Learning Time: Juniors: 2-2.5 hours and Seniors 3-3.5 hours - It's alright not to get everything finished - Some days the timetable falls apart - that's ok! it happens all the time! - R.E. lesson is posted below if you want some video help. - Let us know where you want your learning packs left on Friday - Send all learning queries to [email protected] |
RE Lesson - Week 2 (Wed 22nd April)Today's lesson talks about feeling a bit lonely and isolated at the moment. Don't you just wish we could all be back together?
Well St Paul was great at bringing communities together! In fact, he would writes letters to people who lived far away to see how they were getting along and to check that they were still following Jesus' example. Today's lesson talks about a letter he wrote to the Corinthians in Greece. He told them that we might all be many parts, but we make up one body. There is a jigsaw art activity to complete after you have heard the story (1 Corinthians: 12). Good luck!
ASSEMBLY @ 9am - Tuesday 21st April 2020Assembly Items: - Student Timetable's are looking good! - Daily Learning Time: Juniors: 2-2.5 hours and Seniors 3-3.5 hours - Staff are calling families over the next two days - Intervention: Student support sessions will be trialed this week. - Please refrain from contacting staff personally, use the 'help line' below. - Send all learning queries to [email protected] |
ASSEMBLY @ 9am - Monday 20th April 2020Assembly Items:
- Student Timetable should be ready to go - You will find a draft timetable on the Newsletter to help parents - Daily Learning Time: Juniors: 2-2.5 hours and Seniors 3-3.5 hours - Learning continuum to be sent out this week - Permission slips for video conferencing coming home - Intervention: Student support sessions will be trialed this week. - Send all learning queries to [email protected] |
ASSEMBLY @ 9am - Friday 17th April 2020Assembly Items:
- Send some learning pics; [email protected] - Only 2 (flexible) hours of daily learning expected (do your best) - Daily Student Timetable coming home today with learning packs - Newsletter will be included in the pack - Permission slips for video conferencing coming home - Well done students and parents on gettign through week 1 |
ASSEMBLY @ 9am - Thursday 16th April 2020Assembly Items:
- The work packs do have more work than expected in them - Students will not likely complete every task in the work pack - Students have choices around the work they undertake this week - 2 (flexible) hours of daily learning expected (do your best) - It's normal for the kids to be enthusiastic for 5 minutes and then crash! - Delivery of Learning Packs will be Friday afternoons mornings (or Saturday mornings). |
Happy Birthday Ava Cunneen!This afternoon (15/4/20) I had a 'Google Meet' with the Cunneen family, live from Nareen!
Jade was good enough to let Ava and Will jump on for a chat so we could wish Ava a Happy 7th Birthday and go for a tour of their learning space out in the shed. Great work Cunneens!!! We're hoping to do more of these video chats on top of phone calls and emails through out the term with our families. Also keep the pics of your remote learning adventures coming in for the newsletter. We love seeing what you're up to! |
ASSEMBLY @ 9am - Wednesday 15th April 2020WELCOME TO TERM 2Assembly Items:
- Welcome to Term 2 - Learning packs distributed - 2 (flexible) hours of daily learning expected this week - Remote Learning Guidelines available (digital copy below) - Happy Birthday Ava Cunneen!!!