This week students potted tomato seedlings into paper pots for families to grow over the summer for tomatoes for the Produce Stall. If your family would like to grow a tomato plant over summer, please comment on the Facebook post or let Ms Cooney know via email [email protected] and your child/children will get a plant to take home on Wednesday December 9.
This week we were finally able to get into the kitchen and use our garden produce.
We cooked Potato Gnocchi with Tomato Passata and Spring Vegetables, using potatoes, broad beans, spinach and herbs from the garden. The tomato passata was made in March this year from tomatoes harvested from our summer garden. This week we celebrated Recycling Week by learning about the new recycling campaign - CHECK IT BEFORE YOU CHUCK IT! We learnt about the new symbol system on the back of all new packaging and practised sorting Recycling, Redcycle Plastics and Waste for Landfill using the new symbols, shown to the left.
We watched this great little ad with a very catchy jingle Students made stickers and fridge magnets and posters to remind you at home, when you’re organising your waste for the bins, to … CHECK IT BEFORE YOU CHUCK IT! Jensen is collecting any Ooshies you have, so they don’t end up in landfill.
He is sending them to the Wet Noses Charity. They send them to recyclers and receive money for them that they use to help the abandoned, abuse and neglected animals they take in. It’s a great cause so please bring in any Ooshies you have. A container for them is on the bench in the Office. Thanks Jensen for your great work for this worthy cause and for making sure plastic doesn’t go into landfill. |
Sustainability at St JosephsAt St Joseph’s we inspire our students and our community to care for God’s world by conserving natural resources, through positive daily actions. We aim to provide practical environmental education in all aspects of school life and stimulate environmental consciousness for a sustainable future. Archives
September 2022
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