Reuse waste is the third R. Here are some practical tips for families to REUSE what we have bought so we can stop the amount of our waste that ends up in landfill.
1. Reuse boxes for art and craft activities (like LGB are doing).
2. Reuse old containers as storage for fishing bait.
3. Reuse plastic containers for chook feeders.
4. Give unwanted clothes to friends and family for them to reuse.
5. Give old t-shirts to mechanics for rags or make them into boomerang bags.
6. Reuse water bottles for daily drinking water.
7. Reuse plastic cups that are purchased elsewhere.
8. Reuse old books by giving them on to 2 nd hand book shops or friends.
9. Reuse carp for fish bait (not for human consumption).
10. Reuse paper to make coasters and placemats.
11. Reuse fruit and veggie containers for pot plants and X-Ray pots.
Written by Jensen Soulsby, Charlotte Braune and Brendan Bunworth.
Drawings by Thomas Paton.