So we thought we would take up the challenge at school and encourage families to reduce the waste they create at home. Our ResourceSmart Team have come up with 5 challenges for families to take during our War on Waste Week.
Challenge 1 - Do the ABC War on Waste Survey to see how well your family is already dealing with your waste. www.abc.net.au/ourfocus/waronwaste/
Challenge 2 Refuse - Next time you are buying fruit and vegetables REFUSE to buy anything that is in excessive plastic packaging. Buy fruit and vegetables that are loose and only buy what you need.
Challenge 3 Reduce - Waste Free Wednesday - Students need to bring packaging free recess and lunch food for our Nude Food Day on Wednesday 17 May.
Challenge 4 - Reuse - Crafty/Arty - Make something useful out of what you’d normally throw away - Minion pencil holder out of a box and coloured paper scraps, a skateboard out of a 750ml drink bottle! Next Thursday, we’ll be sending home a Notebook made by LGB students from our recycled printing paper.
Challenge 5 Recycle - Check how well you recycle at home. Colour in the Recycle Right Colouring Sheet below and find out what you can recycle. Bring in your finished colouring sheet and give to Bec by next Friday 19 May to be in the running for a great prize.