- Using reusable shopping bags and produce bags
- Using reusable glass or metal water bottles
- Refusing plastic packaging and plastic bags at the shops
- Bringing Nude Food to school
- Picking up rubbish around the streets, at the skatepark and at the beach
- Refusing plastic straws
- Bringing straws, cutlery and plates and cups
- Collecting plastic bottle tops and bread tags for charity
- Using wax wraps instead of plastic wrap
- Making boomerang bags for the community
- Reusing and recycling old books and clothes
- Making our own wax wraps at school
- Reusing McDonald’s cups and cutlery at home and in the shearing shed
- Reusing plastic bags for lots of uses around the home and in the shed
- Picking up ear-tags and recycling them
- Making and using produce bags
Well done everyone and keep up the good work, you are making a positive difference for our environment!